Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1- Fifteen-Two

Day 1- Fifteen-Two
I guess I should have stated that this is a cribbage board. I didn't realize that so many people would never have heard of cribbage!!


  1. It's lovely with the matching font & border!
    Is fifteen-two the name of the game? It looks like a racing game.

  2. Nope, it's a cribbage board. I thought everyone would know what cribbage is! It's a card game and two cards that add to 15 are worth 2 move the pegs on the board to keep score.

  3. I've got the same game downstairs - looks like it's the same design. Great DOF. A very good start.

  4. great, colourful picture.

    I recognised the crib board straight off!


  5. Nice shallow DoF and very colourful start to the New Year :-)

  6. Wow, fabulous colours and I love that DOF. Very nice start to the month! Good job.

  7. really nice DOF...glad you explained what it was cuz I never heard of cribbage before.

  8. Thanks for explaining, didn't know cribbage looked like this :) I love the colors, they look so fresh. Great job with the DOF, too.

  9. Nicely done. I got a cribbage board for Christmas. My colors aren't as pretty as yours -- it's a 2 track board. Great depth of field, but the type's a little funky for me.

  10. I so miss cribbage. I don't know anyone anymore who knows how to play. I'll have to find my computer game. :) LOL
    I really like this shot, I think the letters go well with the style of board this is. If it were an old fashioned board, with metal pegs, it wouldn't have worked as well. I also like your choice of focus. Great first of the month! :)

  11. very cool DoF I sux at those I like your framing too

  12. Wow Lisa! Great colors and use of DOF! Fun & Games :D
