Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 18-Grumpy

Day 18- Okay, so I knew it would be like pulling teeth, but I ended up having to stand in front of the television to get a picture of him. Even then, he wouldn't look at the camera! The lights in the living room didn't do me any favors...that's why I desaturated and used a filter.

My plan was to take some more pictures of Cody tonight and have Jerry help me out. Then when he least expected it..."Snap!" (like the one below) But the thought of dragging all that out tonight didn't appeal to me, so I just got him on the couch. Maybe I can manage to get us all in a picture before the week is up.


  1. LOL!! I love the "grumpy" picture! Its one we can all relate too with our significant others!!
    I love the shot of them together! Jerry looks a bit like Dustin Hoffman in the above shot.
    Your son is adorable!

  2. Good luck! You've ceratinly had more success than me! Does you hubby know his picture is on the internet for the whole world to see????

  3. Ya, he knows. He's not very impressed though :P

  4. What a face! lol I can almost read his mind. Cool capture.

  5. yeah see if you were naked like I said you would have gotten a smile. :)
    Still a good pic.

  6. Quite the handsome fellow! Nice shot with your unwilling subject!

  7. "Grumpy" looks as though he works out some, he is really quite cute like that (in a manly handsome type of way.)
    Sometimes the quick shots work better than a "set up" one, I like the natural look of this one a lot.

  8. Nice shots, I like your technique on the couch shot, it has come out very well.
