Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10-Snowflake

Day 10-Snowflake
My son brought home some snowflakes that he made at school, so I figured I could put at least one to use. :D


  1. Interesting photo. I love the pretty purple, that's my favorite color. So anything with purple in it is awesome. :-)

  2. Ha! I thought the purple bits were floating like you tossed them in the are the Queen of paper I must say!

  3. This is awesome. Love the rich colour contrasting so well with the white, and also how the shallow DOF lends the bits an air or magic and mystery. Great idea.

  4. I love the colours here and the composition. And the narrow depth of field really works.

  5. I like your paper stuff a lot more than the "Games" series (dice aside). Analyzing why this is I think it's the different lighting which makes "Paper" look much better to me. Hope to see more stunning stuff from you.

  6. Great shapes, great colour!

  7. I too thought this was purple paper floating down in the small view on worth but once I got to your blog I could see it was a snowflake. I love the colors and dof!

  8. Good thinking. The colours and dof are lovely.

  9. What can I say? I just LOVE purple ( and pink and red too ) so you get an A1 from me!!!
    Unusual DoF here, it makes it sort of dreamy looking.
